Roland Koller



Roland Koller is always head of his time, designing home cinemas that will continue to inspire day after day. As an industry leader, Roland Koller thinks outside the box and has qualifications practically no one else has achieved.

He goes where no one else has gone before. The very best are distinguished by the fact that they never stand still, they keep on developing, improving, and evolving.

For more than twenty years now, Roland Koller has been bringing the magic of the screen into the four walls of his clients’ homes. Thanks to his expertise and stylish solutions, this perfectionist has earned an undisputed reputation throughout Europe.


Roland Koller will not only make your home cinema dreams come true, but the quality of his work is sure to take your breath away. Whether you are after a first- class home entertainment solution subtly integrated into your existing living space, or your very own cinema room, Roland Koller combines experience, detailed design, and highly professional execution to create home cinema solutions which are loved by even the most demanding customers across the world.


His name is already something of an international trademark. Nowadays “Roland Koller” is synonymous with “high end” and his work has been recognised with numerous certifications, accolades, and memberships.
A selection is listed here:


Europas bestes Heimkino (seit 2003)


Bestes Profis Heimkino (2004)


Möbel & Design Guide (2008)



CEDIA Member (seit 2002)
Österreichs erstes CEDIA Member mit Ausbildung in den USA

ISF Member (seit 2002)
Österreichs erstes ISF Member mit Ausbildung in den USA

HAA Member (seit 2003)
Österreichs erstes HAA Member mit Ausbildung in den USA


IMAX Private TheaterTM  Certified

Österreichs erster und einziger IMAX Private TheaterTM Custom Installer – exklusiv in Österreich


CHRISTIE Certified

Erster und einziger Christie Certified Custom Installer im deutschsprachigen Raum


BARCO Certified

Österreichs erster und einziger Barco Residential Certified Custom Installer im deutschsprachigen Raum


DATASAT Certified

Österreichs erster und einziger Datasat Certified Custom Installer


BANG & OLUFSEN Certified

Österreichs erster und einziger Custom Installer mit professionellen B&O Lösungen.


GIRA/REVOX Certified

Erster Gira/Revox Referenz Showroom – Exklusiv in Wien


RTI Certified

Österreichs erster RTI Certified Custom Installer


PLANAR Certified

Österreichs erster Planar Certified Custom Installer


PIONEER Premium Certified

Österreichs erster Pioneer Premium Plus Partner

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